
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Update on bags

Yes, the bags are missing. The only bags that came were the electronics tote and Julius' suitcase. Nothing else came. We have no clothes, no food and no supplies. We found a man who wrote down our missing bag numbers but seemed to be indifferent and did not give us the feeling he would take any active action. He said to show up tomorrow at 9:00 and see if they arrive. Obviously we need these bags but we are not too nervous. With so many bags missing they must be coming later. Pray that they come and that we can get on the road to Kalalayi by 10:00 AM.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Anonymous said...

Doug that word "illegal" makes me nervous!! With the way things are going, hope "jail" isn't added to your adventures!!! We will be praying that all the bags show up tomorrow! I am so thankful for this blog. It will make the next 2 weeks much more bearable for this mom! Jess we miss you and think of you almost 24/7! We are so thankful that you have the best guys possible (except for your dad!)taking care of you!! PS, Jo Jo was really good yesterday! Love You! Mom

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying that the bags arrive! Yikes! That would take "roughing it" to a whole new level! Thanks for all of the updates & pictures (when possible). It sure helps us know how to pray. Josiah wants to send Shane a message: "I hope you have a good time in Africa. I hope you do everything you can & sleep good. I hope you see animals. Jessi, I hope you have a good time in Africa too! Bye!".
Todd, Susan, & Josiah

Steve Peterson said...

Man. . . sorry guys. Hope your bags show up tomorrow. Do they have fig leaves over there?

But seriously, I am praying that they show up tomorrow. One way or another, I have faith that God will come through for you.

Hey, about the hoes, is it possible that the villagers could make their own handles from the tree branches? They could probably whip one up in short order.

Very proud of this team. Stay strong!


Anonymous said...

Dad (Doug), I am being good and helping Mom and hope your bags show up. Mom says you won't stay very long without your stuff.

Queen Cindy said...

Very few things cause a crisis in Sudan, especially bags for a group of Americans. They probably know the bags will be there tomorrow so why write it down? :o) With your church group behind you praying, I believe wholeheartedly they will show up in the morning.

In the meantime, how many of you are fans of Survivor?

Sabrina said...

I feel that this is all my fault, I forgot to pray for you guys today!!! Mom is making me feel really guilty. I will now pray every day for you guys until you get back! I really hope you find your bags!!

Anonymous said...

hi Doug this is Isaiah sorry about
your bags i hope you find them I'm
haveing fun at school today i watched the movie holes at school.

Anonymous said...

Hay dad oh aka this is Ryan.It sucks that you guys lost your bags.I hope you get them back.I miss you a lot to.I'm having a lot of fun to.Bye moms freaking out that she needs her computer back.And I wrote this all by my self.I know I know I'm a good boy.BYE!

Cheri said...

MAN I am praying that God will intervene on this one for ya'll!!!

Joslyn said...

Oh, Boy! Praying that your bags show up by the morning! I think Cindy's comments are a hoot, especially about losing both your make up and undies, Jessi!! I guess you are getting lots of wear out of that one skirt, Jessi! Thinking about you all! Joslyn

Anonymous said...

Praying your bags show up believe I heard you say Sunday that you were looking forward to the food??your picture made it feel like you were closer proud of your team God bless


Anonymous said...

Jess, Grandpa went back to WC today!! I got him tucked into his own bed tonight oxygen and all!! He loves hearing all about your trip so far. You can just picture his smile when we tell him the "stories"!! Love you, mom