
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Doug chopping a stump from Elisapa's field

I was given "big man" work. Apparently God created me for chopping roots from stumps. A few swings from the ax and I made quick work of it.


bstroh7 said...

Very nice!

Queen Cindy said...

Don't forget about the fact that you're 40 now, big man worker.

Anonymous said...

So I assume Darwin is sitting under the nmango tree with a medical kit?! Ha!

Anonymous said...

Don't hurt yourself :)!
Kristi C.

Jen B said...

Doug, you don't have to go all the way to Sudan to work. I have lots of things I have broken since you left. Bedroom light fixture on our ceiling fan, now I get dressed by flashlight, bathroom light fixture, air conditioner and the van is dripping something yellowish. Hurry home. :)