
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Good bye South Sudan!

We are off! As the wheels leave the tarmac I can feel my heart already home. We will miss our new friends and the routines of village life but we are all motivated to get home to you.

As the stewards are getting ready to serve us our first ice, I'm reminded how lucky we are and the privileges we share in the developed world. The immersion back to plenty will feel strange but sadly we feel right at home in no time and the simple life of Kalalayi will once again be a world away.

My seat is comfortable, the air conditioning is blowing on my head, there is ice and Coke in my cup and my meal just arrived, "Chicken lamb or veggie, sir?"...chicken please.


jen simons said...

Even after all the posts, it is strange to think of ice as a luxury. I guess we only think about the big things - comfortable bed, bathroom, electricity, clean water. I think that's why I really enjoyed the photos of Jessi with the frisbees and bubbles.

Anonymous said...

Our God has blessed America so richly, that it's hard to realize how the rest of the world lives on a day to day basis, unless one experiences it. God bless the team for taking time out of their lives and their families to help others. Being able to bring water out of the ground into a container and use it without walking for miles only to have filthy water, will be a "huge blessing" to those of Kalalayi and surrounding compounds. May God richly bless the SUDAN TEAM!!!!!