
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Early morning in Kalalayi

We are up before the sun but the roosters have been crowing for at least 30 minutes. You never feel bad about eating one of those roosters, it's the only way to shut off the alarm clock! We took a wrong turn in the dark last night but figured it out after about a 1/2 mile. We also got out my spotlight and spotted many monkeys. There are 100s of the on the way to Kalalayi. Some are small, like about a pound but most are big at 30-40 pounds. We are told there are big baboons but I can't say we saw any of those. Jessi is glad to have not met any on her latrine outings as our latrine is about 500 yards from the compound. Kalalayi eats monkey when they catch them and we are glad that never happened while we were there. Our driver Joseph is from Kenya, he is very against eating monkey. He says they are little human beings...no comment.


jen simons said...

This is a beautiful photo. I think the monkeys might creep me out more than the bugs.

We were thinking of you guys last night before we went to bed - that this would be your last day in Kalalayi. Since you are eight hours ahead of us, it would have been about 6:30am there.

We are once again praying that your traveling back home is safe and uneventful. We will pray that your flights are all on time and your luggage keeps up with you.

See you soon!

Queen Cindy said...

Wonder if monkeys taste like chicken?

Sabrina said...

Did you know that even lions, cheetahs, and leopards are afraid of baboons? They have very, very long tusks. I would be afraid of them too if they were trying to steal my food!

Anonymous said...

Cool...your very own Safari tour in the dark!!