
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Guest house at Juba Episcopal Church

Good morning from Juba! Here is Jessi coming out of the hottest night of sleep any of us have ever experienced...including Darwin and I. The heat never went away. All night you could feel the sweat roll off your body. As a result, sleep has alluded us again. No showers, no clean clothes, no soap and no deodorant. I think we are all experiencing some rash and skin issues as our bodies adjust to a lack of cleanliness. At least we get breakfast!

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