
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Surgery is required

Well, my tooth is officially jacked up! Darwin will perform some backyard dentistry later on tonight in Kalalayi. Because the tooth is on the top, Darwin thinks he of I need to stand on our heads.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no!! Make sure you have Doug sign a waiver, Darwin!! Good luck!

Cheri Guse said...

Good Golly!!! I am PRAYING for your tooth and everyone's health

Steve said...

Darwin, do what you do best. Put him under and pull it! Don't you remember the movie "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer"? Until the elf stepped in to pull the Abominable Snowman's tooth, he just got grumpier and grumpier and scared everybody! . . . or not. Praying whatever you chose, it goes well. Your in good hands, Doug.

MJ said...

I love reading all of your updates! Please let Yessi know it's been raining and icky but we had two beautiful hours from 1030-1230 this morning and soccer went perfectly well!

Queen Cindy said...

Not sure this procedure is Dr. Rauschenbach approved, but get relief however you can. I am praying for you all and for all the adventures it appears you're encountering! Also praying the tooth fairy leaves you huge amounts for a 40 year old tooth.

the Zell's said...

Oh man you guys!! Satan is surely working hard to stop you from doing HIS work! Hang in there and know that we are all praying for your health, safety, and the mission! We can't wait to hear all the stories!!!

Anonymous said...

Tell Jessi I was a little nervous this morning. It was 10:30 and there was 1 kid there not from the Hillcrest. However, the morning was gorgeous, and at 10:35 ish they all started showing up! And there ended up being about 18 3rd grade on up kids there. And about 18 kids 2 grade and younger. The kids seemed to enjoy it.


Oh, Darwin and Doug thought of you guys as I took my morning dump on my nice bug free toilet this morning. :-)

Anonymous said...

Should I make the dentist appt. now so Dr. R is ready for you as soon as you get back? I'll let him know he has to fix your cracked tooth and undo the Dr. Frankenstein job you're going to receive? No offense Darwin. Love the visual of Doug being the grumpy abominable snowman and Darwin being Hermey, the elf who dreams of being a dentist. :)
Jen B

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the fact the Doug was able to give us a shot of his nostril in this pic as well!
Kristi C.