
Welcome to the “In Search of Water” blog site! Here you will see the chronicled events of the project leading up to the team’s departure from the United States and then daily while the team is in Africa. Feel free to comment on the posts as it is a great encouragement to the team and a great way to share in the experience together.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shane falling a 25 foot tree from Elisapa's field

Shane decided to start the training on a virgin piece if land that had not been used for farming. This is a huge task as you have to cut down trees, dig up stumps and clear it of the strong Sudan Grass and other vegetation. Shane wanted them to see how to do this and that if you do it right, you will never have to till that plot again. This is going to be extremely hard work! But if you know Shane...I'm not sure he's ever met work too hard for him!


Anonymous said...

Lumberjack Shane....taking right after your Dad! Anxious to see how you'll get the stump out...water buffalo or jeep? (ha) Have fun..Dad wishes he was there to help ya!

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome, Shane! What a work horse! This should keep you busy! What great teaching they are getting!

Anonymous said...

Hey....is that the saw that you struggled to get through security last time?! Ha!

the Zell's said...

Way to go Shane! They just needed some of that "young" energy to get them moving!